Christ Temple of Summerville Spring Forth Ministries was introduced to the Summerville Community on February 2, 1992 with their first services in the chapel area of A.A. Aiken Funeral Home. Services were held in that location for approximately 6 months before another location was needed for the fast-growing ministry. The services were moved to the new location of 911 Central Avenue, Summerville and it wasn’t long before that location was being outgrown. We were favored by God when the owners of the Old Summerville Christian Bookstore wanted to sell the building at 419-D East 5th North Street (Highway 78) behind Safelite. The members of Christ Temple of Summerville worked with the owners of the Bookstore to secure a contract to purchase the building and convert it into a church. As of 2010, the building was paid in full. We were favored by God again as we entered our present location of 1815 Old Trolley Road, Suite 104, Summerville, SC for the past 7 years. God is continually blessing and adding to the ministry. Please continue to pray our strength in the Lord.